A relationship of trust with the client and a service adapted as closely as possible to his needs is of paramount importance.

A relationship of trust with the client and a service adapted as closely as possible to his needs is of paramount importance.

Anne-Laure Teroni

I started out as an independent relocation consultant in 2010 after having spent six years as a stage manager in a range of opera houses in a number of different countries. This might not sound the most obvious training for my vocation but this experience was invaluable! Not only did it give me some direct insight into the complexity of living overseas but also helped me develop my interpersonal skills.

I am passionate about my job and the fact I can use knowledge of my home country to help others adopting it as their new home, is a constant source of delight. I speak French, English, Italian, Spanish and German and benefit from a wide network, particularly in Geneva, of contacts as well as privileged relationships with critical real estate agencies.

My goal is to offer the most customized service possible to my clients: I aim to be their ‘one stop shop’, on hand to respond to any questions they may have as they relocate (and repatriate); if I don’t personnaly know the answer, you can be sure I will know someone who does.


A relationship of trust with the client and a service adapted as closely as possible to his needs is of paramount importance. The quality of my services and the satisfaction of my customers are our top priority. Anything I can do to minimize stress or concerns of a client as they embark on such a significant change is my aim.

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